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Thursday 27th - Sunday 30th june


Join the world's biggest songwriting camp with 300 songwriters, artists and producers

On Thursday, 27th June, the world's biggest songwriter camp begins! Over a long weekend, from Thursday, 27th June, to Sunday, 30th June, 300 Norwegian and international songwriters and artists will gather at Rena, Norway, to participate in Rena Song Fest 2024 - a songwriter camp so large that it becomes a small festival. The goal is to write at least 225 new pop songs for the Eurovision Song Contest, build networks, and enhance participants' knowledge and skills.


Participants from all levels and with various skills are invited to the Rena Song Fest, including established professionals, semi-professionals, and newcomers. Each morning, 75 new groups are formed, consisting of 3-4 songwriters, including 1-2 producers (tracks) and 2-3 topliners (melody/lyrics). At least one songwriter in each group is an artist or vocalist. During the day, a new song and demo are created, and lyrics and split sheets are submitted each evening by 9 PM. The best songs are presented collectively at 10 PM. The next day, all participants rotate to work with new people in new groups.


The musical focus of Rena Song Fest 2024 will be new songs written for national selections for the Eurovision Song Contest.


During Rena Song Fest, 75 established and makeshift studios will be at The Woods, Åmot Kulturhus, Høyskolen Innlandet, Granlund Apartment Building, and Trudvang Hotel. All studios are centrally located in Rena with a short walking distance from each other.


Anyone interested in participating can now apply. Those selected to participate will be offered various accommodation options. The chosen accommodation determines the participant pass's price, including accommodation, meals, and camp participation.


Rena Song Fest is organised by the Norwegian music companies The Woods, daWorks Music Publishing, Byrå Music, and Song Farm, in close collaboration with Åmot Municipality. These companies are among Norway's most experienced organisers of songwriter camps and have extensive experience with the Eurovision Song Contest. They are responsible for annual Out of the Woods and MGP camps at Rena, Song Farm in Sweden, and Bad Manors in England.


Rena is well-known as a music destination through the Bachelor's program in Music Business and Production at Høyskolen Innlandet and The Woods studio complex's songwriter and production milieu. Rena is just two hours north of Oslo and OSL Gardermoen Airport, easily accessible by car, train, and bus.


Thursday, 27th June


  • 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM: Arrival, check-in, and accreditation.

  • 10:00 PM - 10:45 PM: Camp opening, Storsalen Ã…mot Cultural Center

  • 11:00 PM: End



Friday, 28th June

Writing Day 1


  • 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM: Breakfast

  • 9:30 AM: Gathering at Ã…mot Cultural Center, Storsalen -Practical information and announcement of today's groups

  • 10:00 AM: Writing in groups

  • 1:00 PM: Lunch

  • 6:00 PM: Dinner

  • 9:00 PM: Deadline for submission of song demo, lyrics, and split sheet

  • 10:00 PM: Listening session at Ã…mot Cultural Center, Storsalen

  • 11:00 PM onwards: Gathering at Punktet Pub



Saturday, 29th June

Writing Day 2


  • 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM: Breakfast

  • 9:30 AM: Gathering at Ã…mot Cultural Center, Storsalen

  • Practical information and announcement of today's groups

  • 10:00 AM: Writing in groups

  • 1:00 PM: Lunch

  • 6:00 PM: Dinner

  • 9:00 PM: Deadline for submission of song demo, lyrics, and split sheet

  • 10:00 PM: Listening session at Ã…mot Cultural Center, Storsalen

  • 11:00 PM onwards: Closing party at Punktet Pub



Sunday, 30th June 

Writing Day 3


  • 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM: Breakfast

  • 9:30 AM: Gathering at Ã…mot Cultural Center, Storsalen - Practical information and announcement of today's groups

  • 10:00 AM: Writing in groups

  • 1:00 PM: Lunch

  • 5:00 PM: Deadline for submission of song demo, lyrics, and split sheet

  • 6:00 PM: Camp conclusion and departure


Participation prices


1. Thon Elgstua Hotel:

  • Single room with breakfast served at the hotel 

  • Includes transport with shuttlebus to and from Rena

  • Includes camp participation and meals

  • PRICE : 7 940,- NOK


2. Rena Trudvang Hotel:

  • Single room with breakfast served at the hotel

  • Includes camp participation and meals

  • Price: 5 490,- NOK.


3. Rena Trudvang Hotel:

  • Shared room (multiple beds) with breakfast served at the hotel

  • Includes camp participation and meals

  • Prce: 3 950,- NOK.


4. Rena Camping:

  • Shared room (multiple beds)

  • Includes camp participation and meals

  • Price: 3 490,- NOK 


5. School classroom (dormitory):

  • Mattress included, but you need to bring your sleeping bag and/sheet

  • Includes camp participation and meals

  • Price: 2 950,- NOK 


6. Camp pass (if you can arrange accommodation yourself)

  • Includes camp participation and meals

  • Price 2 490,- NOK

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